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Wedding Rings!

Wedding Rings etc…

So as a lot of you that follow me on Facebook etc already know, I am actually getting married myself this June and today myself and my fiance picked up our wedding rings! I love them and already want to wear mine but obviously I have to be patient and wait until we actually get married in June! I chose a vintage style platinum ring with a full set of diamonds and milling around the edges. It’s so pretty I had to take photos when I got home to show it off! It’s so beautiful and sparkly, trying it on next to my engagement ring made me realise how much my engagement ring needs a clean (embarrassed face).

Jak also chose a platinum ring and his is brushed with shiny edges and we both have our initials and wedding date engraved inside our rings so we definitely won’t forget our anniversary!

 For anyone looking to get custom rings for their wedding, I would highly recommend The Ring Studio in Southampton, where we purchased ours!

Below are a few photos I took of our wedding rings when I got home. It was already almost dark so I had barely any natural light and had to improvise a bit with my LED photo light, not the best lighting conditions for ring shots so I coudn’t get overly creative but never mind.

Mine & Jak's wedding ringswedding rings

In other news….

Whilst I was in Southampton, I popped into London Camera Exchange and purchased a new camera bag. Not as exciting as picking up my wedding ring but still up there!

I’ve been looking into buying a rolling camera bag for a while now because I get a bad back, which certainly isn’t helped by the amount of heavy equipment I carry around on my back on a wedding day! There’s a few different bags that I’ve looked at but the pro brand Think Tank kept coming up trumps. I ended up looking at a few different bags within their Aiport range as I am photographing a destination wedding in Tuscany, Italy in April (Which I can not wait for!) and so I needed something that was going to be durable but also carry on luggage size so I can make sure that I have my expensive equipment with me at all times and it is well protected. In the end after looking at a few bags and opening them up to judge how much space there was inside for all my kit, I settled for the Think Tank Airport TakeOff as it fitted everything I need in perfectly and is a perfect size to be in line with all airlines carry on luggage allowances.

Can’t wait to start using this bad boy and rolling it along instead of gradually breaking my back with my backpack! 🙂