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My baby girl

So I thought it was time to introduce my baby girl…

Ellie Rose Waddell was born at Queen Alexandra Hospital on 21st December 2018 weighing 7.5lbs. Myself and my husband are absolutely besotted by her and can’t believe we created her! Don’t get me wrong, it’s extremely hard work and absolutely exhausting, it’s such a huge life change becoming a parent, but it’s also an amazing thing!

Ellie is now 5 weeks old and it’s as if we blinked and then all of a sudden our newborn isn’t so newborn any more. She’s grown out of her first set of clothes and is developing a little personality, smiling, making cute noises (as well as some more annoying noises haha) and pulling some interesting facial expressions. The last 5 weeks really have been the biggest whirlwind and parenting is a constant learning curve, but I’m so lucky to have my amazing and lovely bunch of friends from my NCT group who have been there to share tips and advice and have mummy meet ups.

I was blessed to have a relatively easy and straightforward birth with my baby girl. I’m not saying it was pain free as it most definitely was the most painful thing ever, but it was also a wonderful experience and I’m amazed at what my body was capable of doing! It’s totally overwhelming after all that pain and pushing to be then handed your beautiful baby and have your first cuddle.

Here’s my favourite photos from our newborn photo shoot in our home with Lucy Eloise from My Beautiful Now Photography when Ellie was just 10 days old.

My Baby GirlMy Baby GirlMy Baby Girl

I was desperate to try and get a family photo including our pets Cobey (the dog) & Jasper (the cat), even though I knew it would be nearly impossible to capture all 5 of us as the pets do not cooperate at the best of times, but Lucy managed to capture this image of us all on the bed 🙂

Below are some snaps that I took playing around in my friend, Kimberley Garrod’s photography studio in her home. Kim styled the photos with some of her props and then I snapped away! 🙂 These were taken last week, one day from Ellie being one month old.

Click here to read my blog post from when we found out I was pregnant and the 20 week scan when we found out that we were having a little girl